Brandon Putuuqti Kowalski

House District 36

Education. Economy. Subsistence.

I am running to fight for the Interior by funding our schools, standing with working and rural Alaskans, and preserving our ways of life for future generations by protecting our subsistence resources, and rural access to subsistence.

We have the largest House District in the Nation. My goal is to work for and represent the many voices of our diverse district. I am running to elevate YOUR voices and YOUR issues in the state legislature.


    • Permanent inflation-proof increases to the Base Student Allocation (BSA)

    • Defined Benefits for public employees, including educators

    • Reducing energy costs for rural Alaska

    • Reducing shipping costs for materials and goods, including groceries

    • Support workers and worker's Unions

    • Support vocational training opportunities to grow the workforce and prepare Alaskan youth for good, in-state jobs

    • Increase the capital budget and work on state infrastructure deferred maintenance

    • Support resource extraction projects that won't harm local communities – these projects should meet high environmental standards and have local hire preference

    • Protect our salmon and caribou to ensure that future generations will be able to practice subsistence and traditional ways of life

    • Prioritize access to subsistence for rural families

    • Seek solutions to the high cost of groceries in rural communities

    • Support local agriculture projects

    • Work with tribes, Village Councils, ANCs, and other Alaska Native stakeholders to improve management of our fisheries and wildlife

    • The state should not be dipping into the PFD to fund services, these dollars belong to the Alaskan people

    • Balancing the budget will allow us to fund essential services and avoid dipping into the PFD

    • Balancing the budget will require a multi-pronged approach – I believe we should reexamine our corporate tax code and seek new revenue sources that don't fall on working and rural Alaskans

    • I do not support new taxes that disproportionately harm working and rural Alaskans

    • We need to address the public safety and MMIP crisis in rural communities

    • We have a right to bear arms to hunt and protect our families

    • Environmental impacts and pollution from industrial projects should not threaten the health and safety of our communities, or cause irreversible harm to the ecosystems and wildlife we rely on

    • Privacy is protected in our state constitution – I believe that abortion is a decision best made by a woman and her doctor, and the government has no business in the bedroom

    • I support non-discrimination legislature on the basis of race, gender identity, sexuality, and disability status so that everyone in our state has equal protections and access to liberties

I developed these priorities by talking with people across our district about their needs and concerns. If you don’t see one of your priorities listed here, please contact me and let me know what’s important to you.
I want to hear from you.


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Proudly Endorsed By

Teamsters Local 959

Fairbanks Central
Labor Council

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302 PAC

NEA-Alaska (National Education Association)